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Climate change in Bangladesh - a film by Yann Arthus Bertrand
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“Climate change in Bangladesh” is a film directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Anastasia Mikova for the occasion of COP21. It tells the story of a pioneering nation facing critical issues due to climate change.
Friendship receives Aga Khan Award for Architecture 2016.
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Friendship has been awarded the Aga Khan Award for architecture. Designed by architect Kashef Mahboob Chowdhury, the Friendship center is a rural training centre and consists of offices, a library, class rooms, a residential area etc. The local hand-made brick construction was inspired by the monastic aesthetic of the 3rd century BC ruins of Mahasthangahr.
Michael Hall (/Dexter) visits Friendship’s Hospital ship.
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Featuring some of Hollywood’s most influential stars, “Years of Living Dangerously” reveals hard-hitting accounts of the effects of climate change from across the planet. In this episode, Michael Hall visits Bangladesh and tells the story of how Friendship brings healthcare to some of the world’s poorest people living in most inaccessible places.
Greenpeace’s iconic Rainbow Warrior II becomes a hospital ship
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“A boat for Bangladesh” is a documentary produced by Lisa Genasci about the iconic Greenpeace ship “Rainbow Warrior II”. Watch how the ship was transformed into one of Friendship’s Hospital ships and used to provide healthcare to some of the world’s poorest people living remote areas.
National Geographic - Preserving Bangladesh's Boatbuilding Heritage
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Bangladesh has a rich boat-building heritage but the skills passed down by craftsmen over thousands of years are on the verge of extinction. The introduction of cheap diesel engines resulted in the motorization of river boats replacing traditional masts and sails. Rolex Awards for Enterprise selected Runa Khan as an Associate Laureate for her contribution to preserving Bangladesh’s boatbuilding heritage.
“Voice of Bangladesh” - a documentary by Vito Labalestra
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Voice of Bangladesh” is a documentary filmed by Vito Labalestra. It features the testimonials of inhabitants of the Chars of Bramapoutra River within poor communities that are largely forgotten.
Human - a film by Yann Arthus-Bertrand (Runa Khan's Interview)
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Filmmaker Yann Arthus-Bertrand spent 3 years collecting real-life stories from 2,000 women and men in 60 countries. Yann captures deeply personal and emotional accounts of topics that unite us all. Watch Runa Khan’s (CEO of Friendship Bangladesh) interview here.
“Runa Khan and Friendship” interview by Paolo Pellizzari.
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“Runa Khan and Friendship” is an interview by Paolo Pellizzari in which Runa Khan speaks about Friendship and the role the NGO plays in saving and changing the lives of the marginalised communities in Bangladesh.
TEDx Talk - Runa Khan explores the definition of success and failure
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In this video, Runa Khan (founder of NGO Friendship) explores the definition of success and failure based on her person experience providing humanitarian support to the poor and vulnerable in some of the most remote areas of Bangladesh – the chars (shifting river islands).
Friendship Centre receives 2016 Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Designed by architect Kashef Mahboob Chowdhury, the center is a rural training centre.
The Economist asks Ms Khan about the role of the private sector in improving healthcare services for under-served communities – Q&A commissioned by United Nations Foundation.
National Geographic features article about Friendship in celebration of 40th Anniversary of Rolex Awards for Enterprise.
Hermès selects Friendship as beneficiary for sale of Generous Squares. Limited edition of « The Garden of Maharani » square created. All profits donated to Friendship.